Ну все учеба закончилась, теперь можно немного отдохнуть! В этом посте хочу выложить свои эссе, которые я писала в Шинуке. Внимание! Эти эссе не для TOEFL и не для IELTS, это просто моя писанина. Может быть тем кто только изучает английский они послужат примерами. После каждого эссе стоит оценка преподавателя.
Marijuana Abuse Among Adolescents
Around the world many teenagers have tried marijuana and some of them abuse it. What do we call marijuana? National Institute on Drugs Abuse (n.d.)reports, “Marijuana – often called pot, grass, reefer, weed, herb, Mary Jane, or MJ – is a greenish – gray mixture of the dried , shredded leaves, steams, seeds, and flowers of Cannabis sativa – the hemp plant. Most users smoke marijuana in hand– rolled cigarettes called joints, among other names; some use pipes or water pipes called bongs”(par.1). Marijuana is a very dangerous drug. Abuse of marijuana can lead to a lot of issues in teenagers’ lives, such as problems with health, education and communication. The physical, mental and social problems associated with teenage marijuana abuse can be managed through education, prevention and treatment.
Marijuana is a dangerous drug and it is associated with physical problems. For example, it can increase the risk of lung infection and cancer or chest illnesses and other respiratory problems, such as a chronic cough and bronchitis. Furthermore, using marijuana can negatively influence cognitive functions that can lead to poor coordination and balance. The use of marijuana can also badly affect a teenager’s brain. For example, using marijuana degrades short – term memory, attention, judgement and learning skills, so it can affect unwillingly their academic performance. Moreover, not many people know that marijuana is an addictive drug. Abuse of marijuana for a long time can lead young people to feel depressed, so they can lose control of their lives. Furthermore, they can have many communicative problems at home, at school and with other people.
There are three ways that can help people to solve this significant issue of marijuana abuse: education, prevention and treatment. The first way is education. It is very important that teenagers know about marijuana and its dangerous long – term effects that can negatively affect health and life. They need to get this information from educated people in their school. Prevention is a second way that can help adolescents stay away from marijuana abuse. It is well known that the spread of marijuana mainly occurs between friends. Consequently, parents should know what their children’s activities are. For instance, how they spend their free time, what interests they have and who their friends are. Parents should try to openly communicate with their children and be involved in their lives. Finally, treatment is the last way that can help teenagers abusing marijuana. Usually treatment includes detoxification, behavioural interventions and regular visits at meetings of support groups. In this case, detoxification means supervised treatment programs for drug addiction directed to clean the body from drugs. Behavioural intervention indicates modification of undesired behaviour. Furthermore, in conformity with Marijuana Addictive Treatment (n.d.) there are some things that people can do to help themselves to fight the addiction for marijuana while treating the problem. First of all, teenagers should avoid people who use marijuana. Secondly, they need a walk every day with someone who can support them. Thirdly, they need to keep a journal and write down all the day’s events. Also, listening to music can help teens to take their mind off marijuana cravings (par.11). All this advice is very important in the struggle against teenager marijuana abuse.
In analysing the three components for solution for marijuana abuse problems, such as education, prevention and treatment we can find both positive and negative things. Of course, teenagers should get more information about marijuana and its dangerous effects, but on the other hand, in using the internet, they can find many other negative things that can promote marijuana use. To illustrate, where you can buy marijuana, how you can grow it or how you can use it are all available on the internet. In addition, prevention is a very important step in the fight against marijuana abuse. According to The United Nations on Drugs and Crime (n.d.) “Drug use prevention programs are effective when they respond to the needs of a community, involve all the relevant sectors and are based on scientific evidence; effective programs should also incorporate strong monitoring and evaluation components”(par.1). However, in some cases, it can be very difficult to implement effective programs with strong monitoring and evaluation components because many developing countries don’t have money and resources to do this significant work in the school, community and family. Treatment is the last but not the least important component for the marijuana abuse solution. For example, psychological treatment such as cognitive behavioural therapy, community reinforcement and support group involvement are very effective. All the above mentioned treatments are beneficial. However, there are no existing medications for marijuana addiction treatment. Also, some people are very addicted to drugs because of their psychological dependence and physiological features.
In summary, there are three ways that can help adolescents to stay away from marijuana abuse: education, prevention and treatment. Nowadays, marijuana abuse is widely spread among teenagers around the world. Therefore, knowledge acquired about marijuana in school can help young people to keep away from this dangerous drug. Parents and community involvement can also raise awareness of this problem. Moreover, psychological treatment also plays a significant role in the solution to this problem. The government, school and parents should work together to prevent children from marijuana abuse.
Marijuana addiction treatment. (n.d.). Retrieved from
National institute on drug abuse. (n.d.) Retrieved from
United nations office on drugs and crime. (n.d.). Retrieved from
оценка 85%
The Three
Causes of Traffic Accidents
Why do you think approximately 2800 people
die in traffics accidents in Canada each year? In the world there are many
causes of traffic accidents on the road. Some people think that it can be mechanical failure, reckless drivers or drunk drivers. Nevertheless, I think
that the three major causes of traffic accidents are road condition,
inattentive pedestrians and careless drivers.
Road conditions are the one significant
cause of people’s death in traffic accidents. For instance, in winter time,
poor visibility because of falling snow can be the reason for car accidents. Moreover,
snow drifts and black ice can be causes of car accidents on the road too. Also,
in rainy weather, water makes the road very slick. Therefore, drivers can lose
control of their cars and it can lead to accidents. Furthermore, snow and rain
can cause the appearance of pot holes on the roadway and make them invisible
for drivers, so it can be very dangerous also.
Nowadays inattentive pedestrians is a big issue in Canada. A lot of people do not know road rules and ignore traffic signals. Moreover, they forget that they need to ensure safe crossing before they will go to across the road. Consequently, pedestrians put themselves in real risk, to be involved in traffic accident. Children also are inattentive pedestrians. When they ride on the bicycle or on the skate board, they cannot notice that they are on the roadway. Likewise, because of their age they do not asses the real danger on the road.
The most scary and unexpected reason of car accidents is careless drivers. The largest percentage of traffic accidents fatalities occur because of drunk drivers. Alcohol and drugs decrease the driver’s reaction speed. Talking or texting on phone can be also the reason for accident since drivers do not pay enough attention on the road. Hence, they cannot notice pedestrians, bicyclists or changes in situation on the roadway.
In summary, I would like to say that drivers and pedestrians can be aware of three major causes of traffic accidents: road conditions, inattentive pedestrians and careless drivers to prevent car accidents. Additionally, they both should know that weather is unpredictable and can totally change road conditions. Pedestrians and bicyclists also should pay more attention when they are on the road. Meanwhile, drivers should drive more responsibly and follow traffic rules to avoid traffic accidents and keep everyone safe.
Nowadays inattentive pedestrians is a big issue in Canada. A lot of people do not know road rules and ignore traffic signals. Moreover, they forget that they need to ensure safe crossing before they will go to across the road. Consequently, pedestrians put themselves in real risk, to be involved in traffic accident. Children also are inattentive pedestrians. When they ride on the bicycle or on the skate board, they cannot notice that they are on the roadway. Likewise, because of their age they do not asses the real danger on the road.
The most scary and unexpected reason of car accidents is careless drivers. The largest percentage of traffic accidents fatalities occur because of drunk drivers. Alcohol and drugs decrease the driver’s reaction speed. Talking or texting on phone can be also the reason for accident since drivers do not pay enough attention on the road. Hence, they cannot notice pedestrians, bicyclists or changes in situation on the roadway.
In summary, I would like to say that drivers and pedestrians can be aware of three major causes of traffic accidents: road conditions, inattentive pedestrians and careless drivers to prevent car accidents. Additionally, they both should know that weather is unpredictable and can totally change road conditions. Pedestrians and bicyclists also should pay more attention when they are on the road. Meanwhile, drivers should drive more responsibly and follow traffic rules to avoid traffic accidents and keep everyone safe.
оценка 89%
The Causes and
Effects of Culture Shock
Nowadays a lot of people immigrate to new
countries in search of job opportunities, good education and a better
quality of life. Of course, they face many problems during this time. The
most important difficulty
is “Culture Shock”. Every newcomer knows about “Culture Shock”, but not everyone knows about the
causes of it. There are two significant causes of “Culture Shock”: a new
environment and difficulties
in communication.
The first important cause of “Culture Shock”
is a new environment. First of
all, it can be the climate totally different from countries where immigrants came
from. For example, today a lot of people come to Canada from hot
countries such as Africa, Columbia and Mexico. Consequently, people don’t feel comfortable in winter time
in Canada because they don’t have
such cold weather and lots of snow in their home countries. Secondly, “Culture
Shock” can result from contact with people who
different customs, traditions and
habits. To illustrate, people from Mexico
have completely different food habits and traditions from Canadian
people such as corn, beans and “Pinata”- a traditional game for birthday party. It is
a very funny game. Parents make a container with decorations and then stuff
it with toys or candies. After that, they hang this box on a tree, and
children hit
“Pinata” with a big stick and get toys or candies as a present from it.
The difficulty
of communication is a second reason for“Culture
Shock”. Not all immigrants that come to Canada can speak the English or
French languages. As result, they can’t effectively communicate
with other people. They face a lot of difficulties and misunderstandings
during this time because most immigrants don’t know a new
language as well as native speaking people. Moreover, most
immigrants aren’t familiar with common idioms and everyday expressions
so they can’t communicate easily.
Immigration to a new country is a very
courageous step and at the same time a very tough decision. People who
decided to completely change their lives and tried to adapt to a new
culture should know about “Culture Shock” and its causes including
a new environment and difficulties
in communication. Furthermore, knowledge about the stages of culture shock can help to decrease
its effects on people. Also,it can help
people to adjust to the new culture. “Culture Shock” has four stages but only
three have very significant effects on people: “Honeymoon
phase”, “Cultural Adjustment” and “Acculturation”. Let’sdiscuss
The first stage that people face when they
come to the new country is a “Honeymoon phase”. During
this period of time the majority of
immigrants feel happiness and euphoria. They are full of enthusiasm. Moreover, everything seems
wonderful and exciting. However, it
is not reality because most people see life as an adventure; they feel
like tourists. Therefore, they not ready for the reality and face many problems in everyday life. For example,
people don’t know how to open a
bank account or get a car license.
“Cultural Adjustment” is the second stage
of “Culture Shock”. This is a most
difficult stage of “Culture Shock”. Throughout this stage people feel anger, loneliness and irritation. Most
immigrants feel alienated from their
home countries and can’t find their place in the new country. Moreover,
people feel nostalgic and depressed. As a result, some people give
up and want to return home. It is a very difficult time for most
immigrants because they try to compare the new country with their home countries and they see just
negative things in the new culture.
The last stage of “Culture Shock” that can
affect people is a “Acculturation
process”. This is a very realistic and productive stage of the entire
process of culture shock. During this time, people begin to slowly but
surely accept the new culture with a positive attitudes. People feel
more comfortable. They also begin to develop solutions to their problems with regard to the influence of
the new culture. For instance,
people start to study or speak some of the host languages while they
try to find a job and make new friends.
In summary, before traversal or immigration
to a new country, people Should know about the environment and the linguistic
differences as causes of “Culture
Shock”. Moreover, knowledge of the stages of “Culture Shock” such as “Honeymoon”,
“Cultural Adjustment” and “Acculturation” can help people to prepare for them
and decrease their effects. Also, the effects of “Culture Shock” can be
lessened and assimilation can be accelerated if people are ready to work or study
hard. Furthermore, purpose and positive attitude to communicate with people can
help immigrants to be successful in the new environment.
оценка 85%
The Three Effects of Stress on Adult Students
Nowadays many adult students attend school to improve their language skills or qualifications. They face a lot of problems throughout their studies. One of these problems is stress. In our lives there are three negative effects of stress on grown people: effects on the body, feelings and behaviour.
Usually adult students have a full time or part time job while they are attending school in order to improve their skills. Because of permanent employment and lack of time they can feel stress and it can lead to negative effects on their bodies. For example, uncontrolled loss or gain of body weight. Moreover, when people have a job and studies at the same time, it is very difficult to organize their schedules and be on time everywhere. Consequently, people can lose their jobs or not succeed in their learning. It is also can be a reason for stress and it has negative effects on the body such as blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.
Furthermore, stress can be a cause of adverse effects on feelings. Sometimes adult students learn in different age categories and their classmates are usually a lot younger and can be smarter than they. Therefore, adult students can feel uncomfortable. It can be the reason for stress too and can lead people to feel a lack of self confidence. Moreover, they can feel loneliness and depression which are negative effects on feelings because of stress.
Likewise, effects of stress can change people’s behaviour. They can feel disappointment because of longevity of their studies. For instance, for ESL students, sometimes learning a second language takes several years and people cannot notice progress in their studies. Hence, they cannot effectively communicate, also they can feel anger, weariness and anxiety. Furthermore, people may start using alcohol or drugs. They may start or abuse smoking too.
In summary, there are three effects of stress on adult students that can negatively influence their bodies, feelings and behaviour. These three effects are very dangerous and can be caused by other psychological and medical problems. To protect themselves from these negative effects, people should know about the signs and symptoms of stress. Additionally, they need to take stress more seriously and lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, do daily exercises or walk to avoid negative effects of stress.
оценка 85%
The Three Effects of Stress on ESL Students
Nowadays many immigrants in Canada attend ESL schools to improve their language skills such as reading, grammar and speaking. Today, the majority of ESL students are adults .They face a lot of problems throughout their studies. One of these problems is stress. In our lives there are three negative effects of stress on adult students: effects on the body, feelings and behaviour.
Usually ESL students have a full time or part time job while they are attending school in order to improve their skills. Due to permanent employment and lack of time, they can feel stress and it can lead to the negative effects on their bodies for example, uncontrolled loss or gain of body weight is common. Moreover, when students have a job and studies at the same time, it is very difficult to juggle between them because they need to organize their schedules and be on time everywhere. Consequently, people can lose their jobs or not succeed in their learning. It is also can be a reason for stress and it has negative effects on the body such as immune disorders, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. For example, immune disorders mean that chronic stress can suppress the immune system and make people vulnerable to colds and other infections.
Cardiovascular disease means that stress can spark a surge in blood pressure which can cause damage for the walls of the arteries and lead to a heart attack. Diabetes means that stress forces the body to produce extra energy and in some cases this energy cannot be used by the human body in full. This can lead to the development of diabetes.
Furthermore, stress can be a cause of adverse effects on feelings. Sometimes adult students learn in different age categories and their classmates are usually a lot younger and can understand a school material easier. Therefore, people can feel uncomfortable. It can be the reason for stress too and can lead students to a lack of self confidence. Moreover, ESL students can feel loneliness and depression which are negative effects on feelings because of stress.
Likewise, negative effects of stress can change ESL students behaviour. Sometimes they can feel disappointment because of the longevity of their studies. To illustrate, for some students, sometimes learning second language takes several years and people cannot notice progress in their studies. Consequently, they cannot effectively
In summary, there are three effects of stress on ESL students that can negatively influence their bodies, feelings and behaviour. These three effects are very dangerous and can cause other psychological and medical problems. To protect themselves from these negative effects, people should know about the signs and symptoms of stress. Additionally, they need to take stress more seriously and lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, do daily exercise, avoid alcohol and smoking and take a rest or a vacation to keep away from the negative effects of stress.
In summary, there are three effects of stress on ESL students that can negatively influence their bodies, feelings and behaviour. These three effects are very dangerous and can cause other psychological and medical problems. To protect themselves from these negative effects, people should know about the signs and symptoms of stress. Additionally, they need to take stress more seriously and lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, do daily exercise, avoid alcohol and smoking and take a rest or a vacation to keep away from the negative effects of stress.
оценка 85%
Television as a teacher for children

In order to explain these different influences of television for children, it is important to look back into its history and development. The history of television started in the beginning of 20th century, and after that television developed very quickly. According to Mitchell Stephens (n.d.), in the middle of 20th century, about fifty percent of American families had one TV set in their homes (p.5). The first TV was very simple, so people could watch only a few channels with news, sport games and life-dramas. Probably not many people in that time thought about television as an educational tool. The first educational role television started to play in 1940 when the first cooking shows appeared on TV. The first cooking shows seen in Figure 1 were very exciting and interesting; they made people have fun. The purpose of these shows was to teach people very simple and realistic recipes and also entertain them. As a result, many people enjoyed watching these shows on TV. Those shows were made mostly for an adult audience, so what about the children public? The first educational show for children, ‘Sesame Street’, was started in 1969. The purpose of this show was to educate preschool children from poor families. In these families, parents could not pay money for their children’s preschool education. As a result, when children from low-income households went to the school, they did not have the same educational level as children from rich families who attended preschool programs, so children without preschool education faced a lot of problems and failures in the school. Today, we have hundreds of channels and thousands of different kinds of programs, shows, movies or cartoons for everyone. Some of these programs are very interesting and educational and some of them are not, because today’s TV contains a lot of violence, nudity and coarse language. Therefore, the question about what kind of influence television has as teacher for children is still common.

The negative influence of television is even though children can get very useful knowledge from TV, an overdose and negative information from it can be dangerous. Usually children watch TV by sitting on the couch and eating some snacks. However, not all parents control the amount of time their children are watching TV, and how many snacks they eat. According to Boyse (n.d.), fifty three percent of families don’t have rules about watching TV for their children from grade seven to twelve, and approximately two-thirds of families watch TV during meals (p.3). As a result, children spend too much time in front of TV and miss the opportunity to be active, have fresh air, and play outside with other children. Furthermore, watching TV is a not active process, so combination of spending a lot of time in front of TV and eating food can lead children to become obese. Obesity in the young age is a very dangerous disease that can negatively influence further children's development and lead to diabetes and heart disease. As television can teach children, it can teach them negative things too. For example, violence from TV can badly affect children, so some of them can feel fear that someone could hurt them, while others can themselves become aggressive. According to Boyse (n.d), in the U.S., sixty six percent of all programs contain violent acts, so by age eighteen an average child may see two hundred thousand aggressive acts and sixteen thousand homicides on TV (p.7). As can be seen television can teach children negative things that can influence children’s behavior into negative side and continue violent and aggressive conduct into adulthood.
In conclusion, there are two different effects from television for children. One of them is a positive effect that television can introduce children to the world and teach them nice things. Another one is a negative impact because too much TV can be very dangerous and has negative influence for children's development. As a result, parents should be aware about the negative impacts of television for their children. They should control what kind of programs their children are watching, and how much time they are spending in front of TV. Moreover, for many children, their parents are models of behavior, so parents should control their own TV watching time and try to choose a program or a movie that does not contains aggressiveness, nudity and coarse language in order to be a good model for their children.
Retrieved from http://www.csun.edu/science/health/docs/tv&health.html
Boyse, K. (n.d.). University of Michigan Health System. Your Child. Television and children.
Retrieved from http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/tv.htm#know
Figure 1: Image of first coking shows. Retrieved from
Figure 2: Image of Quincy shows music instruments. Retrieved from
Rock, A. (n.d.). New Disney Junior Channel to Launch. Basic cable and satellite channel is geared at kids age 2-7. Retrieved from http://preschoolers.about.com/od/technologyentertainment/a/New-Disney-Junior- channel- to-launch.htm
Stephens, M. (n.d.). Grolier Encyclopedia. History of television. Retrieved from
оценка 86%
Differences Between Calgary and Khabarovsk
Differences Between Calgary and Khabarovsk
What makes a difference between Calgary in Canada and Khabarovsk in Russia? Calgary and Khabarovsk were founded almost at the same time: Calgary in 1875 and Khabarovsk in 1880. They both have rivers. Calgary has Bow river and Khabarovsk has Amur river. These two cities are very beautiful and modern. In spite of these similarities, both Calgary and Khabarovsk have three interesting factors to contrast them: population, weather and transportation system.
Population is a very important factor in these cities. For instance, in Calgary, there are approximately one million and one hundred thousand of people. However, in Khabarovsk, the population is about six hundred thousand people. While population of Calgary increase, in Khabarovsk number of people decrease because of low birth rate. Despite these differences, they both have a lot of immigrants. Whereas Calgary has mostly legal immigrants, Khabarovsk’s majority of immigrants are illegal.
Weather is very interesting and unexpected moment in both cities. For example, in Calgary, there is Chinook. It is a warm wind from over the mountains during the winter. Chinook makes winter warmer and gives Calgarians a break from cold. On the other hand, Khabarovsk does not have Chinook , so winter in Khabarovsk is very long and cold. Moreover, Calgary has very dry climate that makes people feel uncomfortable and use a lot of moisturizing cream. Meanwhile, in Khabarovsk climate is very humid, and it is very difficult for people with high pressure to live there in hot summer months.
Transportation system is a very significant feature in Calgary and Khabarovsk. LRT is very popular public transport in Calgary. A lot of people take C-train every day going to work. In sharp contrast, in Khabarovsk, the most popular means of public transportation are buses and trolleybuses. Furthermore, Calgary has very well developed road transport. Most of transportation is carried by cars and trucks. Conversely, in Khabarovsk most of transportation and freight is carried by rail roads.
In summary, there are some differences between Calgary and Khabarovsk in the number of people, climate and traffic system. It is very interesting and cognitive live and see two cities in different countries. It is very good experience to contrast Calgary and Khabarovsk because of new knowledge.
Population is a very important factor in these cities. For instance, in Calgary, there are approximately one million and one hundred thousand of people. However, in Khabarovsk, the population is about six hundred thousand people. While population of Calgary increase, in Khabarovsk number of people decrease because of low birth rate. Despite these differences, they both have a lot of immigrants. Whereas Calgary has mostly legal immigrants, Khabarovsk’s majority of immigrants are illegal.
Weather is very interesting and unexpected moment in both cities. For example, in Calgary, there is Chinook. It is a warm wind from over the mountains during the winter. Chinook makes winter warmer and gives Calgarians a break from cold. On the other hand, Khabarovsk does not have Chinook , so winter in Khabarovsk is very long and cold. Moreover, Calgary has very dry climate that makes people feel uncomfortable and use a lot of moisturizing cream. Meanwhile, in Khabarovsk climate is very humid, and it is very difficult for people with high pressure to live there in hot summer months.
Transportation system is a very significant feature in Calgary and Khabarovsk. LRT is very popular public transport in Calgary. A lot of people take C-train every day going to work. In sharp contrast, in Khabarovsk, the most popular means of public transportation are buses and trolleybuses. Furthermore, Calgary has very well developed road transport. Most of transportation is carried by cars and trucks. Conversely, in Khabarovsk most of transportation and freight is carried by rail roads.
In summary, there are some differences between Calgary and Khabarovsk in the number of people, climate and traffic system. It is very interesting and cognitive live and see two cities in different countries. It is very good experience to contrast Calgary and Khabarovsk because of new knowledge.
оценка 84%
Human “footprint” in Banff National Park
When people
hear the slogan, “Discover Banff”, most of them imagine a spectacular view of
the mountains, an amazing landscape and a wonderful resort in the town.
However, when traveling through Banff National Park on the Trans Canada Highway
(TCH) nobody thinks about its negative impact for the environment, specifically
for wildlife. The TCH is a significant human “footprint” in Banff National Park
because it is the cause of many problems for the environment: it impacts the
animal’s population and creates the car’s pollution. The highway mortality and the
vehicle’s pollution problems associated with the TCH can be managed through the
building of crossing structures for animals and the reduction in traffic.
Every year
millions of people drive their cars across Banff National Park on the TCH. This
highway is the most important part of the federal-provincial highway system
that joins ten provinces of Canada. Most travelers enjoy the journey on that
highway because of the good infrastructure and beautiful views. However, a
significant number of people may see dead animals on the roadside. Sometimes
they may see small animals such as mice and squirrels or big animals like
moose, deer, bears and wolves. In most cases the cause of those deaths is a
head-on collision with cars. As a result, there is a question of why it
happened? Initially when people decided to build the TCH they didn’t recognize
that animals could lose a vast piece of their land and most of their natural
pathways. Moreover, people didn’t think about pollution from cars and its
negative effects for wildlife; for example, noise and chemicals, which includes
heavy metals, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. To illustrate, increased
traffic volume from the Trans Canada Highway can change an animal’s behavior
and develop them to stress. Thus, animals cannot maintain their normal activity
and reproduce easily. Furthermore, most chemicals from cars usually get into
the soil, water and air, so some plant roots and their leaves can absorb it. As
a result, animals can become intoxicated from these plants because they are a
part of the animal’s food chain. However, after several years people have
recognized their mistakes. Consequently, now they are trying to help animals
and making some solutions for these problems.
There are
two ways that can help people to solve these significant issues of the Trans
Canada highway: the construction of crossing structures for animals and the
reduction in traffic. The first way is the construction of crossing structures,
such as overpasses and underpasses. These structures can help animals to move
safely across the highway and to keep their migration stable. Also, these
structures can help animals to reach the other side of the highway for other
resources, like water and food. Moreover, building the fences can also help
people to prevent animals from the highway mortality and save the animal’s
population. The reduction in traffic is the second way that can help people to
save animal’s lives, health and population. It is well known that the speed
limitation to 70 km/h can provide a chance for drivers to avoid a collision
with animals. Therefore, drivers should obey speed limits. Another way to
minimize the impact of private cars and decrease the car’s pollution like noise
and chemicals is through the promotion of public transportation, such as tour
buses. To illustrate, one tour bus can transport about forty people, so every
trip can help to reduce traffic because people would not use their own cars.
However, every solution has some limitations, so people should analyze it in
order to make a good decision.
In analyzing
the two ways for solutions for negative impact of the TCH we can find both
positive and negative things. Of course, the construction of crossing
structures for animals in order to assure safe passage is a good idea. However,
these safe structures should be built in the places of constant animal’s
migration because animals have been using their natural pathways for many
years, and they very seldom change it. Moreover, animals should have time to
get used to new crossing structures. Some animals, for example, moose and some
deer prefer to use overpasses while others like grizzly bears, wolves and
bighorn sheep prefer to use underpasses. Thus, people should learn the animal’s
conduct first and then decide what kind of crossing structures they need to
build and where. As a result, this study may take a lot of time and extra money
from the budget. In addition, the reduction in traffic is a very important step
in the wildlife conservation. It is easy to place new signs with speed limits
on the highway but there is doubt that people will comply. Therefore, police
should monitor those sections of the highway more frequently. As a result, this
solution would put additional constraint on the budget. Another solution for
the traffic reduction, such as a promotion of public transportation like tour
buses may face some problems. First, most people prefer traveling in their own
cars and they won’t like the idea using tour buses because of seats and luggage
space limitation, as well as, noise from other people. Second, a promotion of
public transportation will probably cost a lot. Nevertheless, the construction
of crossing structures for animals and the decrease in traffic seems to be most
practical and real-world solutions to the problems. For example, some of them,
such as the construction of overpasses for animals are already taken place and
proven to be effective. Moreover, some tour buses can be seen on the highway,
so it means that traffic is slightly reduced.
In summary,
managing the Trans Canada Highway through the construction of crossing
structures for animals and the reduction in traffic can lessen the impact on
the environment. Nowadays, the number of drivers is increasing due to the
area’s popularity as a tourism destination. In addition, as Banff’s and Canmore’s
population increases so to does the traffic. Therefore, the building of safe
crossing structures for animals can help people to save the animal’s population
and to decrease the highway mortality. The reduction in traffic can also help
to keep the environment sustainable. People need to minimize the human
“footprint” in order to save the environment and the unique beauty of Banff and
its surroundings.
оценка 86%
The Importance of Parents in Children Behavior
Do you think that parents in different countries teach their children the same behaviors and manners? I think so. When I was a little girl in Russia, my mom and dad taught me many things and it influenced me all my life. I believe that all parents around the world teach their children to be honest, polite and respectful.
I think honesty is an important quality that parents can teach their children. If you tell lies to people, they can't believe you. If people trust you, they can give you confidential information. Also, you can get their good experience. In my opinion, the most important things like relationships or networking are based on the trust. Therefore, you should be honest with your parents, friends, colleagues and yourself. I believe that being honest with yourself can help you to see your mistakes and correct them in time. The latter is very significant for me since I am learning and need to track my progress correctly.
The second quality which is politeness is also very important for raising children. It is a normal behavior and most people appreciate it in their lives. You should be nice and polite with other people because it helps you to effectively communicate. Moreover, it makes you become accepted in society since people prefer polite interaction. For example, using small talk in a polite way can help you to make new friends.
The last but not the least important thing that parents can teach their children is respectfulness. You can respect older people or people who are important to you. For example, you should offer your seat to older people if you can see them on the bus. Also, you can admire someone for their personal qualities. For example, I have great respect for Mark wain as a writer because his books are very interesting. In our lives we have many ways to show our respect, and I think that being respectful is very important for each of us.
In summary, I would like to say that most people around the world will agree with me that honesty, politeness and respectfulness are the three key components for building your successes. Furthermore, I am very thankful to my parents for their upbringing. My friends and colleagues appreciate those three qualities that I have, and I would like to see honesty, politeness and respectfulness in other people too.
оценка 86%
The Importance of Parents in Children Behavior
Do you think that parents in different countries teach their children the same behaviors and manners? I think so. When I was a little girl in Russia, my mom and dad taught me many things and it influenced me all my life. I believe that all parents around the world teach their children to be honest, polite and respectful.
I think honesty is an important quality that parents can teach their children. If you tell lies to people, they can't believe you. If people trust you, they can give you confidential information. Also, you can get their good experience. In my opinion, the most important things like relationships or networking are based on the trust. Therefore, you should be honest with your parents, friends, colleagues and yourself. I believe that being honest with yourself can help you to see your mistakes and correct them in time. The latter is very significant for me since I am learning and need to track my progress correctly.
The second quality which is politeness is also very important for raising children. It is a normal behavior and most people appreciate it in their lives. You should be nice and polite with other people because it helps you to effectively communicate. Moreover, it makes you become accepted in society since people prefer polite interaction. For example, using small talk in a polite way can help you to make new friends.
The last but not the least important thing that parents can teach their children is respectfulness. You can respect older people or people who are important to you. For example, you should offer your seat to older people if you can see them on the bus. Also, you can admire someone for their personal qualities. For example, I have great respect for Mark wain as a writer because his books are very interesting. In our lives we have many ways to show our respect, and I think that being respectful is very important for each of us.
In summary, I would like to say that most people around the world will agree with me that honesty, politeness and respectfulness are the three key components for building your successes. Furthermore, I am very thankful to my parents for their upbringing. My friends and colleagues appreciate those three qualities that I have, and I would like to see honesty, politeness and respectfulness in other people too.
оценка 82%
The Three Major Causes of War
J.F. Kennedy said, "Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind". Around the world people fight each other for different reasons. For example, they can fight for territories, wealth or political reasons. In our world there are the three major causes of war: economics, religion and human nature.
The first very important reason is economic. Throughout history a lot of wars started because people wanted to expand their territories. Moreover, they wanted to possess natural resources such as gas, oil or precious metals. People also fought for the best territories with geographical point of view. For instance, the territories that were close to sea or land trade routes.
Religion is the second significant argument of war. Looking back through history people can notice that wars were justified by religious differences. Religion is a very big power in our world, and there are many different kinds of religions. Consequently, some people believe that just their religion is truth and other people, who have a different kind of religion, are their enemies. Furthermore, sometimes people want to turn other people onto their religion by force, so it can be a reason of war too.
Human nature is the most important cause of war. Scientists believe that in the nature of things man is characterized by aggression. They think that the war is an integral part of human nature. Meanwhile others think that humans at war is an analogy of animals' behavior. To illustrate, people as predators are fighting each other for possession of the territories, food or partner.
To summarise, people still continue to fight each other because of these three major reasons: economic, religion and human nature. Every day somewhere around the world people battle for areas, natural resources and wealth. Nobody knows when it will stop because war is a part of the human species.
оценка 86%
Obesity Among Children
In North America, there are many overweight children and some of them are obese. Nowadays, it is a very prevalent problem around the world. Children can have many problems in their lives because of obesity. They can have not only physical but also psychological problems. All of these problems can be reduced and solved by prevention, diet and an active life style.
Obese children can be exposed to various diseases, for example, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. This is very dangerous to have these diseases at a young age because it can negatively affect children's further growth. Today, many overweight children face teasing and peer group pressure for looking different and unattractive. Furthermore, overweight children can suffer from their own families because some members of their families can criticize them. As a result, children can feel depression that can lead to lack of self confidence and other problems in their adulthood.
Despite the fact that obesity has rapidly increased in the last ten years, there are three solutions to this problem: prevention, diet and an active life style. First of all, prevention in this case means parental supervision. Parents should control what, where and how much their children eat. Moreover, they should demonstrate a good example to their children. To illustrate, parents should not eat fast food and consume a lot of ready snacks, such as chips and pop corn. Secondly, diet, in this context, means healthy balanced food. This food should include grains, fruit, vegetables, fish and a little amount of meat and dairy products. It also should exclude fat, salt and sugar or its consumption should be reduced. Parents should encourage their children to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables for snacks and to avoid fast foods and soft drinks like coke. Thirdly, an active life style is the most important step to help obese children and their families. Today, many children spend their time in front of TV and a computer at home. They play and learn a lot from these devices but they don't move. Parents should motivate their children to do more exercises and to play sport games outside instead of watching TV while lying on a couch.
All of these three solutions have their disadvantages and advantages. For example, parents can't spend the whole day with their children because of their jobs and the children's schools. Therefore, they can't control negative influence from TV like advertising about junk food. On the other hand, usually children imitate parent's behaviors and habits. It is very important that parents should lead a healthy life style in their own behavior and eating habits to show a good role model to their children. Sometimes, it is difficult to follow a healthy diet because of time limitations. For example, some people don't have time to prepare home make food instead of ready meals, such as sausages, quick noodles and canned soups. However, nowadays many stores have a large variety of food, so everyone can make healthy choices. In our busy world, people don't have much time to spend with relatives. Furthermore, some parents want to watch TV or the Internet in their free time instead of walking with their children outside. Parents are the best pattern for their children, so they should change their behaviors and habits in the better way in order to help their overweight children.
In conclusion, there are many ways to solve this problem for obese children. However, most important ways are prevention. diet and an active life style. Following these three steps parents and their children can avoid obesity and be healthy.
оценка 84%
The Three Major Causes of War
J.F. Kennedy said, "Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind". Around the world people fight each other for different reasons. For example, they can fight for territories, wealth or political reasons. In our world there are the three major causes of war: economics, religion and human nature.
The first very important reason is economic. Throughout history a lot of wars started because people wanted to expand their territories. Moreover, they wanted to possess natural resources such as gas, oil or precious metals. People also fought for the best territories with geographical point of view. For instance, the territories that were close to sea or land trade routes.
Religion is the second significant argument of war. Looking back through history people can notice that wars were justified by religious differences. Religion is a very big power in our world, and there are many different kinds of religions. Consequently, some people believe that just their religion is truth and other people, who have a different kind of religion, are their enemies. Furthermore, sometimes people want to turn other people onto their religion by force, so it can be a reason of war too.
Human nature is the most important cause of war. Scientists believe that in the nature of things man is characterized by aggression. They think that the war is an integral part of human nature. Meanwhile others think that humans at war is an analogy of animals' behavior. To illustrate, people as predators are fighting each other for possession of the territories, food or partner.
To summarise, people still continue to fight each other because of these three major reasons: economic, religion and human nature. Every day somewhere around the world people battle for areas, natural resources and wealth. Nobody knows when it will stop because war is a part of the human species.
оценка 86%
Obesity Among Children
In North America, there are many overweight children and some of them are obese. Nowadays, it is a very prevalent problem around the world. Children can have many problems in their lives because of obesity. They can have not only physical but also psychological problems. All of these problems can be reduced and solved by prevention, diet and an active life style.
Obese children can be exposed to various diseases, for example, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. This is very dangerous to have these diseases at a young age because it can negatively affect children's further growth. Today, many overweight children face teasing and peer group pressure for looking different and unattractive. Furthermore, overweight children can suffer from their own families because some members of their families can criticize them. As a result, children can feel depression that can lead to lack of self confidence and other problems in their adulthood.
Despite the fact that obesity has rapidly increased in the last ten years, there are three solutions to this problem: prevention, diet and an active life style. First of all, prevention in this case means parental supervision. Parents should control what, where and how much their children eat. Moreover, they should demonstrate a good example to their children. To illustrate, parents should not eat fast food and consume a lot of ready snacks, such as chips and pop corn. Secondly, diet, in this context, means healthy balanced food. This food should include grains, fruit, vegetables, fish and a little amount of meat and dairy products. It also should exclude fat, salt and sugar or its consumption should be reduced. Parents should encourage their children to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables for snacks and to avoid fast foods and soft drinks like coke. Thirdly, an active life style is the most important step to help obese children and their families. Today, many children spend their time in front of TV and a computer at home. They play and learn a lot from these devices but they don't move. Parents should motivate their children to do more exercises and to play sport games outside instead of watching TV while lying on a couch.
All of these three solutions have their disadvantages and advantages. For example, parents can't spend the whole day with their children because of their jobs and the children's schools. Therefore, they can't control negative influence from TV like advertising about junk food. On the other hand, usually children imitate parent's behaviors and habits. It is very important that parents should lead a healthy life style in their own behavior and eating habits to show a good role model to their children. Sometimes, it is difficult to follow a healthy diet because of time limitations. For example, some people don't have time to prepare home make food instead of ready meals, such as sausages, quick noodles and canned soups. However, nowadays many stores have a large variety of food, so everyone can make healthy choices. In our busy world, people don't have much time to spend with relatives. Furthermore, some parents want to watch TV or the Internet in their free time instead of walking with their children outside. Parents are the best pattern for their children, so they should change their behaviors and habits in the better way in order to help their overweight children.
In conclusion, there are many ways to solve this problem for obese children. However, most important ways are prevention. diet and an active life style. Following these three steps parents and their children can avoid obesity and be healthy.
оценка 84%
I totally agree with you! Road condition, Toronto careless driving and inattentive pedestrians are the major causes of serious accidents nowadays. You're right, pedestrians should pay more attention when they are on the road. thanks for this great and interesting post! Keep up the good work!
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